b"The RESAReporter Oct - Nov 2024Note from the Executive Director Table of ContentsPage 1As we head into fall and hopefully a little cooler weather, we have some great news Note from the Executive Director to share with you.Page 2 Our Instructional Coaching Conference has a fresh new look and brings timely FY25 Endorsement Information relevance with a focus on literacy. Our Literacy-Focused Instructional CoachingConference is taking place on October 23, 2024. This drive-in conference will have Page 3several breakout session strands including coaching across instructional Scholarships Coming Soonenvironments, relevant resources to support coaching and literacy, evidence-basedstructured literacy instruction, leading ELA standards roll-out, assessment to drive Page 4literacy instruction, and student-centered coaching. Experience coaching methods Alternative Prep for Ed Leadership (APEL)that empower learners and foster independence. This will be an invaluableopportunity to learn from local and state-wide educational leaders. Register now to Page 5secure your spot at this can't-miss event! Substitute Teacher TrainingGriffin RESA launched a new registration system. This system provides enhanced Page 6user experience and shows the many wonderful offerings available to you. Log in Literacy-Focused Instructional Coachingtoday at https://griffinresa.net/ to see our Professional Learning Course Catalog or Conference go directly to the platform at https://griffinresa.ascriptica.com/site/login and ifneeded select Forgot your password to gain access to your profile.Page 7Griffin RESAs website has over 400+ professional and leadership development ELA Newly Adopted Standards PLopportunities available for teachers, paraprofessionals, and administrators,including 11 different endorsement programs. Take your practice to the next level Page 8by reviewing our available endorsements and the October and November class Principal Leadership Series schedules inside this newsletter. I think you will be amazed at all the possibilities togrow and expand your craft. Page 9Assistant Principal Leadership Series Finally, we are proud to offer the Georgia Alternative Preparation for EducationalLeadership Program (APEL). This program offers a one-year job embedded pathway Page 10for candidates seeking Tier I or Tier II Leadership certification. This program is October Professional Learning Classesdesigned for educators with a Masters degree or higher who are looking forleadership certification-only (non-degree). If interested, please see the inside of this Page 11newsletter for more information. November Professional Learning ClassesCordially, Page 12Dr. Stephanie Gordy Make-It Take-It & Cooperative PurchasingExecutive Director Griffin RESA440 Tilney Ave Griffin, GA 30224#TogetherWeThriveInFY25 770.229.3247www.griffinresa.net"