b'JOB-ALIKE NETWORKING ANDPROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENTJob alike or consortium meetings foster collaboration and networking among educators,allowing them to share best practices and gain insights into current trends. Thesegatherings provide support and problem-solving opportunities while promoting resourcesharing and alignment of goals, ultimately enhancing professional development andteaching effectiveness.Transition Consortia MTSS Job-Alike for District CoordinatorsThe Metro South Transition Consortium holds regularly This professional learning opportunity is designed toscheduled meetings for regional Transition Specialists as facilitate collaborative learning and networkinga representative from each district and invited opportunities for District Coordinators and Districtstakeholders. The meetings are driven by data from the Support Specialists committed to implementing theneeds assessment to ensure regional Transition Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) framework. ThisSpecialists receive professional learning and targeted session offers a structured platform for sharing insights,assistance to support their efforts in meeting the best practices, and challenges related to MTSSexpectations of IDEA and improve outcomes for implementation across different educational settings. students with disabilities.Date: January 17, 2025 Date: January 30, 2025Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm Time: 8:30am - 11:30amLocation: Griffin RESA Location: Griffin RESA (REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED)(REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED)Target Audience: Transition Specialists, Leads & Special Target Audience: MTSS District CoordinatorsEducation District LeadersMTSS Job-Alike for Specialists, Dept. Chairs, & Teacher Leaders Counseling Job AlikeThis professional learning opportunity is designed to Are you a passionate school counselor dedicated tofacilitate collaborative learning and networking shaping the lives of students and fostering a positiveopportunities for educators who lead MTSS in schools learning environment? Join us for an exclusive gathering(MTSS Specialists, Dept. Chairs, EIP teachers, of like-minded professionals at our School Counselor JobInstructional Coaches, Teacher Leaders, etc.) committed Alike! This unique event is designed to bring together ato implementing the Multi-Tiered System of Supports team of like-minded professionals across our region to(MTSS) framework. This session offers a structured share insights, exchange ideas, and elevate the impact ofplatform for sharing insights, best practices, and school counseling.challenges related to MTSS implementation acrossdifferent educational settings.Date: January 30, 2025 Date: February 26, 2025Time: 12:30Pm - 3:30pm Time: 9:00am - 12:00pmLocation: Griffin RESA Location: Griffin RESA (REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED)(REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED)Target Audience: MTSS Specialists, Dept. Chairs, & Teacher Target Audience: K12th Grade CounselorsLeaders 5'