b'GeorgiaTAPP ProgramDO YOU WANT TO BECOMEA TEACHER?The GA TAPP program is designed to attracthighly motivated professionalsoutside the teaching profession who hold abachelors degree or higher from a regionallyaccredited college/university and are interestedin pursuing a teaching career.Griffin RESAOur region includes Butts, Fayette, Henry,TEACHER ACADEMYLamar, Newton, Pike, Griffin-Spalding andFORThomaston-Upson school systems.PREPARATION and PEDAGOGYContact our office TODAY! Enrollment isTAPP happening NOW!Find out how to become a part of our nextcohort.Join our Pre-TAPP Program for assistancewith your job search!Questions? Email TAPP@griffinresa.netMollie HallAlternative CertificationDirector DrStephanieL.GordyExecutive Directorwww.griffinresa.netTAPP@griffinresa.net Serving South Metro Schools770-229-3247 Since 1966440 Tilney Ave6 Griffin, GA 30224'