b'NNOOVVEEMMBBEERRCCLLAASSSSEESS01 AT & SLP Collaborative 14 Ready, Set, Drive Into 1st GradeMathematics04 Georgia Numeracy Project 14 School Climate: Setting the Stage forStudent Achievement06 Understanding Trauma and BuildingResiliency in Students 14 Digital Citizenship: Appropriate Use ofTechnology in Schools06 How to Develop Meaningful TransitionPlans: Moving Beyond Compliance19 Innovative Scheduling for Leaders06 Ignite Learning: Navigating the Depthsof Mathematics in Grades K-2 19 Ignite Learning: Navigating the Depths ofMathematics in Grades 3-506 Middle Grades Math marvels: AManipulative Mastery Workshop 20 High Leverage Practices: Instruction11 GaPSC Ethics for Paraprofessionals 20 MTSS Job-Alike for District Coordinators (Virtual) .for Specialists, Dept. Chairs, & Teachers12 PLU Series 2: RTI Tiered Instructional & 20 Empowering Educators: SupportingBehavioral Supports Students with Autism and Cognitive Dis.12 Principal Leadership Series #2 20 Unlocking the Potential: Exploring the GaMilestones Math Assessments for Gr 6-812 Assistant Principal Leadership Series #221 Understanding and Supporting theDyslexic Learner12 Integrating the Science of Reading andWriting 21 Job-Alike for Instructional Coaches13 Classroom Management for PK-5th13 Unlock the Potential: Exploring the Ga.Milestones Mathematics for Grades 3-513 Alternative School Leader Job Alike11'