b'AAuugguussttP / PrrooffeessssiioonnaallLLeeaarrnniinnggEach professional learning title below is an accessible link, andwhen clicked will take participants directly to the course description and registration. 6 First 30 Days for New Special 22 Reading Intervention Workshop for Education Teachers K-514 Teacher Keys Effectiveness System - 27 Special Education ParaprofessionalsFace-to-Face Tips and Tricks15 Teacher Keys Effectiveness System - 27 IEP Process for New Special EducationVirtual Teacher15 Co-Teaching that Works!27 APEL Leadership Mentor Training15 Leading Literacy 28 Navigating the Spectrum: EffectiveClassroom Management for 6-12 Strategies for Educators20 Teachers 29 ELA Launch Practices 6-1220 Leader Keys Effectiveness System - 29 School Climate: Setting the Stage forFace-to-Face Student Achievement20 ABCs of Preschool Special Needs 29 Math Consortium 21 GaPSC Ethics for Paraprofessionals -Online21 Leader Keys Effectiveness System -Virtual22 Ready, Set, Drive into 5th GradeMathematics10'